Original cas format

Aug 16, 2010

Version 0.96 released

Category: All news
Posted by: FUJI
  • some bugfixes and other internal changes (endless loops in FSK decoding routines should be finally eliminated)
  • proper checksum verification for AST and UM
  • proper checksum verification for Turbo ROM (only for recordings used with cartridge, it is more complicated in case of tape loaders)
  • turbo decoding: option "--invert" usually will not be needed anymore - now the script automatictally detects, which edge is first. Autodetection does not work for Turbo ROM, sometimes it can fail also for other formats.
  • turbo decoding: parameters tuning for czechoslovakian formats
  • FSK decoding: baud rate stored in cas files is now computed as an average baud rate of the whole data record; this should allow to achieve better synchronization with left audio channel (when it exists)
  • improved informations displayed by "info --detail"
  • syntax of pwms block has changed in HEX format - hex files in examples section were updated accordingly
  • switched from "pwmi" to "pwml" according to previous news entry